'Let Us Praise God Together!"

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!
Psalms 133:1

We welcome you to our fellowship
Hello, my name is Sister Louise Pringle-Jones, and I would like to welcome you to our church and our website. Our church was organized in February 1987 by our current pastor Randy L. Jordan. We have been in our current edifice for approximately twenty-eight years and there are approximately thirty-five to seventy people who make up our congregation.
Albeit, we may be a smaller congregation, we are big in love, fellowship and the Spirit of Christ which abides in our church and is phenomenal among us. This is not to say that we are a perfect group of people. That would be far from the truth. Nevertheless, we are a group of baptized believers in Christ who truly love the Lord. Therefore, we encourage you to come and join us in fellowship and worship at Lighthouse. Lighthouse is a church where you will experience God's love in His people.
Worship times
Our worship time begins on Sunday at 9:30 am with our Sunday School class for our Youth and Seniors. Afterward our worship hour begins at 10:45 am with pastor Jordan generally preaching on the first and third Sunday of each month. Minister Keith Ghant normally preaching on each Second Sunday of the month and Minister Ammie Putmon preaches on each fourth Sunday of the month. On the fifth Sunday's we normally have a guest speaker and there are some special services periodically on Sunday afternoons at 3:00pm that will be announced.
Also, on Wednesday we have a 12:00 noon and 7:00 pm fellowship and Bible study. Currently, our pastor is teaching from the book of the Apocalypse known as the book of Revelation. This book, Revelation, is associated with the field of eschatology which is the study of the last things. You are invited to come out and learn of some soon coming earth shaken events that are about to take place in our world. It is somewhat alarming, but it is also comforting to those of us who have hope in Christ.
Need of Salvation
If you have not been converted, born again, or surrendered your life to Christ, you may visit our 'How to Escape the Wrath of God page' or contact us on our email or contact us at our church number 4043660459. May God's richest blessings be upon you. We hope to see and or hear from you soon!.