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Prayer Wisdom Quotes


Our Favorite Prayer Quotes


  • Prayer lays hold of God's plan and becomes the link between His will and its accomplishment on earth. Amazing things happen, and we are given the privilege of being the channels of the Holy Spirit's prayer.
    Elisabeth Elliot

  • Any concern too small to be turned into a prayer is too small to be made into a burden. — Corrie Ten Boom

  • Work as if you were to live a hundred years, pray as if you were to die tomorrow. — Benjamin Franklin

  • Prayer must carry on our work as much as preaching; he preacheth not heartily to his people that will not pray for them. — Richard Baxter

  • Groanings which cannot be uttered are often prayers which cannot be refused. — Spurgeon

  • God warms his hands at man's heart when he prays. — John Masefield

  • If your day is hemmed in with prayer, it is less likely to come unraveled. —  Cynthia Lewis

  • When you are in the dark, listen, and God will give you a very precious message. —Oswald Chambers

  • Nothing tends more to cement the hearts of Christians than praying together. Never do they love one another so well as when they witness the outpouring of each other's hearts in prayer. — Charles Finney

  • Leaders must be released from the idea that they must be great prayer warriors before they can begin to call others to prayer. — David Bryant

  • In worship, God imparts himself to us. — C.S.Lewis

  • The amount of time we spend with Jesus — meditating on His Word and His majesty, seeking His face — establishes our fruitfulness in the kingdom. — Charles Stanley

  • God shapes the world by prayer. The more praying there is in the world the better the world will be, the mightier the forces against evil. — E.M. Bounds

  • It is possible to move men, through God, by prayer alone. — Hudson Taylor

  • There has never been a spiritual awakening in any country or locality that did not begin in united prayer. — D.A.T. Pierson

  • Worship and intercession must go together, the one is impossible without the other. Intercession means that we rouse ourselves up to get the mind of Christ about the one for whom we pray. — Oswald Chambers

  • The great people of the earth today are the people who pray, (not) those who talk about prayer. — S.D.Gordon

  • An unschooled man who knows how to meditate upon the Lord has learned far more than the man with the highest education who does not know how to meditate. — Charles Stanley

  • Of all the things Christ wants for us, loving Him and focusing our attention on Him are the most important. — Charles Stanley

  • All vital praying makes a drain on a man's vitality. True intercession is a sacrifice, a bleeding sacrifice. — J.H. Jowett

  • Work, work, from morning until late at night. In fact, I have so much to do that I shall have to spend the first three hours in prayer. — Martin Luther

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