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Pastor Randy L. Jordan

Assistant Webmaster / Student

Webmaster Duo


Executive Webmaster / Instructor

Webmaster Duo

PaSTOR D "TBLAM" / Michael Dennis

Executive Webmaster / Instructor

Pastor Randy Leon Jordan

Assistant Webmaster / Student

Ecclesiastes 9:10  
Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.

1 Corinthians 10:31  
Whether therefore ye eat, or drink,
or whatsoever ye do,

do all to the glory of God.

Yes! God knitted two of His servants to create this website

Yes! We sacrificed the time

to the glory of God!

A Tag Team Journey! Started March 2017 / Completed March 2018

A Monumental Labor of Love!

It Started with a Dream

Many of us are aware of the internet but have not taken the time to use it for our advantage do to other variables including interruptions in our life.  However, I was interested in this form of communication, but other factors were a priority at the time.  Nevertheless, God gave me favor to complete some endeavors and I was able to begin this process.  One of the reasons I believe e-communication is essential today is becue there are approximately two to three billion people who communicate in this manner and this is a manner in which the Gospel of Christ can be communicated.

Computer & Web Design Preparation

Thus, it was during our 40th high school class reunion that I shared with Pastor Michael Dennis my desire for our church to have a website.  Upon the dialogue between PaSTOR D and myself, he informed me that he could assist with this process.  Therefore, he gave me the criteria for his class instructions and I preceded with the program.  It is interesting that many people in the past had stated they would help with this process; nonetheless, life happened with them and they never got started.  However, I thank God for Pastor Micheal 'D' Dennis not only beginning this endeavor but following it through to completion.  

Web Design Construction

As we were considering different website hosts, PaSTOR D informed me of various sites and informed me which site would be best for our venture.  Initially, it was a slow start as he wanted to ensure that I was familiar with the terminology necessary to complete various tasks.  Nevertheless, over the months I saw the website begin to take shape and it has been absolutely amazing.  Especially, since I knew very little regarding web creation and how to add pictures, songs, videos, pages and other content to the website.  However, all praises to God for allowing PaSTOR D to have patience with me and teach me the format despite my insufficiencies throughout the process. 

Web Design Completion

It is not unusual for us to have our own ideas regarding our website; yet, it is essential in this process to have confidence in your instructor.  Hence, as I observed PaSTOR D work, it became obvious that my desires lacked the thoughtfulness needed for the website.  However, it was comforting knowing that PaSTOR D understood my vision for the site and with his experience, ingenuity, thoughtfulness and creativity transformed my caterpillar into a butterfly.  Thus, I learned to trust his judgements during this venture because he labored as if he was working for himself far exceeding anything that I could have imagined.  Of course, I had some input, but what do you say to someone who adds your thoughts to the endeavor before you ask them along with other superb creations. You simply allow the genius to work and follow the instructions he gives you.  Thank you PaSTOR D.

Thank you PaSTOR D.

To God be all the glory!



Excellence Private Training

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